Hints & Tips, Thoughts of a Dietitian

Wellness Wednesday

As you’re thinking about your New Year’s Resolution, did you know burning 3500 calories equals 1 pound of fat lost? For sustained weight loss, experts recommend creating a 500-calorie deficit per day (eat less + exercise more) to burn 1 pound of fat per week. Slow weight loss is more sustainable and typically results in long lasting results. #WellnessWednesday


Hints & Tips, Thoughts of a Dietitian

Wellness Wednesday

Be mindful of portion sizes this week. In general, protein foods (turkey, ham) should be the size of a deck of cards, grain products (rice, stuffing) should be the size of a tennis ball, and fats (buttery, gravy) should be the size of a golf ball. Drink plenty of water in between bites and enjoy time with family and loved ones. All foods fit in moderation! Happy Holidays. #WellnessWednesday


Happy Posts, Thoughts of a Dietitian

Where’s the Balance?

I was recently at an “orientation” training for my job, and let’s be real, it was about as exciting as it sounds. (Not at all.)

But there was one session that really resonated for me, and I think a lot of people generally lack in this area as well. It’s about that work-life balance.

I’m a Dietitian, I should be a pro a balance…aren’t I always talking about balanced meals?!

What I want everyone to do right now is STOP and write down the 2-3 most important things in your life! Once you do that, I want you to take it one step further and think about what sorts of things occupy the largest percentage of your time.

Guess what, the most important things in my life were no where remotely supported by the activities that were occupying most of my day. And that’s a problem.

This exercise is really simple, but I hope for some of my readers it’s a powerful reminder. If your family is the most important thing to you, why do you spend so many extra hours at work? If your financial stability is the most important thing to you, why are you always teasing yourself online shopping? Find that balance and realign your actions with your priorities, and do it soon.

Have a great, and balanced, weekend my friends!

Hints & Tips, Thoughts of a Dietitian

Wellness Wednesday!

The holidays are officially upon us and while it might be the most wonderful time of the year, it’s also the most stressful time of the year! Take care of your body by making sure you’re getting enough sleep each night. Lack of sleep can lead to anything from poor food choices and weight gain, to cognitive impairment and moodiness. Give yourself the gift of health this holiday season by nourishing your body properly and getting adequate sleep each night. Happy Holidays. #WellnessWednesday


Hints & Tips, Thoughts of a Dietitian

Wellness Wednesday

Start everyday with a smile—and breakfast! Did you know people who eat breakfast tend to have a healthier weight? An ideal breakfast needs to contain some form of fiber plus protein to keep you energized throughout the day. Think oatmeal with nuts mixed in, or yogurt and berry parfait. Avoid simple carbohydrates and sugar first thing in the morning, which will leave you feeling tired soon after you eat. #WellnessWednesday


Hints & Tips, Thoughts of a Dietitian

Wellness Wednesday

Eating fish is a great source of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Vitamin D. Research also tells us regular fish consumption improves sleep quality and improves memory. Aim for 8-ounces of fish per week (or two 4-ounce portions). Fish lowest in mercury include catfish, haddock, salmon, shrimp and freshwater trout. What will you put on your plate this week? #WellnessWednesday


Hints & Tips, Thoughts of a Dietitian

Wellness Wednesday!

What are your Thanksgiving traditions- do any of them involve physical activity? Start a new tradition this year with a football game or family scavenger hunt in the neighborhood. Not only will this burn off some of your excess calories consumed, it also counts for quality bonding time and an excuse to eat more dessert—talk about triple win! Happy Thanksgiving. #WellnessWednesdaygarlic

Hints & Tips, Thoughts of a Dietitian

Wellness Wednesday!

As you’re getting ready to prepare for the big Turkey day next week, think about adding some herbs and spices to twist things up. Many herbs and spices, such as cayenne pepper, cinnamon, and clove, are said to help reduce inflammation. Herbs and spices are a great way to add flavor without adding extra sodium, and can really help bring your classic dish to the next level. Eat Up! #WellnessWednesday


Happy Posts, Thoughts of a Dietitian

November is Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes comes in all shapes and sizes. And I can promise you, like all chronic diseases, it effects more than just the diabetic individual, it effects friends and family of that person too. It’s a constant struggle of wondering if your blood sugar is rising or dropping?, do you need a small snack or a large snack?, how much insulin do you need to take to cover this food?– and then waiting to see if all your calculations were right. I can tell you from personal experience, managing diabetes is seriously a full time job!!

Type 1 Diabetes, previously called juvenile diabetes, is an autoimmune disease with no known cause or cure.

On the other hand, Type 2 Diabetes, previously adult-onset diabetes, is directly connected to your lifestyle. And considering there isn’t a cure for Type 2 Diabetes either, the best thing you can do is PREVENT IT! Take care of your body with proper diet and exercise. Take action to get yourself to a healthy weight. Don’t leave your health up to chance, be proactive and start making small changes today!

As we finish out the rest of November, make it your goal to become more aware. Be mindful of the daily struggles of someone who has diabetes or is caring for a loved one with diabetes. Be mindful of what YOU can do to reduce your risk of developing diabetes.

And finally, join me in celebrating World Diabetes Day, today November 14th, and wear blue to show your support for all the diabetics you know in your life!

Hints & Tips, Thoughts of a Dietitian

GIY- GROW it yourself!

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on growing an avocado from a pit (seed). I feel like avocados have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years, and probably for good reasons. This wonderful FRUIT (yes, it’s another one of those things that’s really a fruit) is packed full of so much nutrition.

Did you know… avocados have more potassium than bananas! Potassium is important for healthy blood pressure, and preventing heart attacks, stroke, and kidney failure.

Did you know… avocados are high in the same monounsaturated fat as olive oil! Monounsaturated fats, specifically the oleic acid found in avocados, has been shown to reduce inflammation and have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer.

Did you know… half of an avocado has 7 grams of fiber, which is 25% of the daily recommended amount of fiber. (We recommend 25-35g daily.) Most of the fiber is insoluble, which is so important for gut health.

So if you’re craving some guacamole or avocados on toast, let me tell you how to get started growing your own avocado plant.

You’ll need a pit, 3 tooth picks, and a jar. Clean and dry the avocado pit, then press 3 tooth picks into the seed (gently) in such a way that the seed can suspend in water. The blunt end needs to be in the water (roots) and then pointier end needs to face up (stem.) And yes, you want the blunt end soaking in water at all times.

Be patient. Root will begin to sprout in several weeks. It’s best to store the jar somewhere warm, but out of direct sunlight. Once you stem gets to be several inches long, plant in soil.

I have awhile to go before I get any fruit from my tree, but it’s such an awesome feeling to grow your own food!

Anyone else ever try growing an avocado tree? Let me know your tips and tricks below!