
Spread Some Sunshine

Happy Monday Friends! I came across this awesome organization this weekend and wanted to share it with everyone: The Secret Sunflower Project!

The idea is that you can buy a package of sunflower seeds through this organization, which you then plant somewhere where many people will be able to enjoy their beauty. Additionally, your purchase comes with a second seed package to give to a friend, so that they can spread some beauty and happiness as well. I personally love sunflowers and I am totally enamored when I see them growing wildly. Plus this awesome cause donates some of the money to raising awareness to Alzheimer’s Disease! Make sure to check out some of the videos under the media section of the website.

I know we are heading into the chilly months up here, but consider this project for next summer. But remember, don’t wait until next summer to start spreading some sunshine!! Every day is a great day to spread some happiness through a random act of kindness! #motivationmonday #randomactofkindess #sunflowerproject

Some beautiful and happy sunflowers my boyfriend got me earlier this year! Do you love sunflowers as much as I do?

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